Why does the GOOD DESIGN AWARD address “proposals for design”? – The role of Focused Issues –

Why does the GOOD DESIGN AWARD address “proposals for design”? – The role of Focused Issues –

The GOOD DESIGN AWARD aims to make our lives and society better through design. Its activities are not limited to “screening design.” One of the important roles of the GOOD DESIGN AWARD is to discover possibilities and issues for the coming society. Focused Issues is an initiative created to undertake this role. In this report, we delve into the significance and process of Focused Issues based on an interview with one of the people responsible for supporting its activities.


Collaboration and Co-creation in Design from the Perspective of Plurality: Audrey Tang and Naoki Ota

Collaboration and Co-creation in Design from the Perspective of Plurality: Audrey Tang and Naoki Ota

The Focused Issues report, summarizing the proposals for 2024, will be released soon. Naoki Ota, a researcher involved in the project, presented the proposal “Create a chain of small challenges under a flexible vision.” To explore this idea further, he reached out to Audrey Tang, Taiwan's first Digital Minister, for a dialogue. Due to space limitations, some episodes could not be included in the report. However, we are releasing the full dialogue in advance.
