Applications for GOOD DESIGN NEW HOPE AWARD The deadline is August 15 at 1 p.m. (JST).

The deadline is August 15 at 1 p.m. (JST).

The GOOD DESIGN NEW HOPE AWARD is open to current students as well as new employees who have just graduated or completed their studies. Aiming to support the new generation to play a role in the field of design, this award has no designated theme, and allows applicants to challenge themselves with their assignments at school or their independent designs. Here we let you know about GOOD DESIGN NEW HOPE AWARD, which enables you to improve skills and connect with people.


We MUST NOT solve those social issues──Yutaka Nakamura

We MUST NOT solve those social issues──Yutaka Nakamura

Focused Issues researchers looked over all the screening subjects and explored the “ground swell” from the perspective of outside experts who were not judges. We asked three of them to each write based on their own expertise and from their own angles about what they noticed and saw as they accompanied the screening process. In this essay, design anthropologist Yutaka Nakamura examines the “brave” required when faced with “social issues” that need to be resolved. This article is also included in the 2023 Focused Issues Report.
