
What is design? Let’s take a peek at the world spreading through a small Hatena, or question.

Let’s take a pause and look at all the things, people, and events in our daily lives and society...

It is a laboratory to know, feel, and approach design through a simple question.


This time’s theme

IDEA NO HATENA (How and why of ideas)

How and why was the indentation of the Yakult bottle created?


Here is a little instructive story behind the design familiar to us. The topic for this time is the bottle design of Yakult, a dairy lactic acid bacteria beverage. The iconic Yakult bottle hasn't changed much in design since it was first developed in 1968. We heard about the story of its beginning.

*This image was taken at the time of the LONG LIFE DESIGN AWARD (2008).

Shirota Protective Bacteria Research Institute was established in Fukuoka City, Kyushu, in 1935, and produced and sold Yakult. At that time, Yakult was sold in glass bottles.

In 1968, Yakult started to be sold in new plastic bottles. That’s a well-known Yakult bottle. It has a unique hourglass design. It’s easy even for small children and the elderly to hold, and you can drink it while tasting it little by little. To learn more about the design of Yakult, we have visited Kenmochi Design Associates, designer of the Yakult bottle.

Why is the Yakult bottle shaped like that?

A request was made to replace glass bottles with plastic ones. In addition to the condition that the volume was fixed and the height was not changed, there was a request to make it look bigger than a glass bottle.

The conventional production line was used. The indentation of the bottle was shaped in a semicircular arch according to the conveyor belt guide. Thanks to its shape, the bottle didn’t fall over on the line. And a plastic bottle looked bigger.

You can control the flow when drinking, and bring it slowly to your mouth. This was the origin of the idea of the Yakult bottle with an indentation.

What's the secret to design longevity?

We aimed for a design that people never get tired of. Nobody knows who designed it, but it’s very functional and woven into the fabric of daily life like a milk bottle. As a result, the image of the Yakult bottle spread widely and took root. We believe that the maker has developed the social recognition that people recognize the Yakult bottle, which is the secret to the longevity.

The design has survived long because "the shape represents Yakult."

Courtesy / Source: Kenmochi Design Associates Yakult History: “Yakuruto Hatsubai Hachijyunen no Rekishi” (A history of 80 years since the launch of Yakult)

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Editorial team of the web media “.g Good Design journal.” It is planned and managed jointly by the secretariat office of the GOOD DESIGN AWARD and external members in order to explore new possibilities in design.