
Delivering the "Now" of the GOOD DESIGN AWARD

The thoughts that go into the application for the GOOD DESIGN AWARD, The thoughts that go into the judging of the GOOD DESIGN AWARD, Various thoughts intersect and connect The process of exploring "GOOD DESIGN" will be delivered to you.


GOOD DESIGN AWARD entries close May 23 13:00(JST)! What are the screening perspectives?


This year’s GOOD DESIGN AWARD entries will come to a close soon. For possible applicants, we will introduce tips for applying to the award which were introduced in the Screening Perspectives Seminar.


The GOOD DESIGN AWARD Screening Perspectives can be viewed on the official website.

Screening Perspective Seminar

In the Screening Perspectives Seminar that is held during the application period every year, judges expound their perspectives and views of screening.

This report will introduce key points discussed in the seminar, such as what is expected from this year’s entries and how to complete the application form, focusing on three categories.


Application tips/expectations

・A proposal that uses “beauty” as a way to solve a social issue. ・Clearly stands out from the rest of the competition ・Devotion of creators

“Beauty” in the GOOD DESIGN AWARD has been discussed multiple times in the past. In this year’s seminar, judges said they would like applicants to consider the diversity of beauty expressed in many forms including solving social issues, beyond aesthetics such as color and shape.

In addition, the judges advised that applicants should put great emphasis on describing the advantages that distinguish their products from other existing or competing products when writing the application form. Many applicants are very keen to describe the details of specialties of their products and manufacturing processes but often overlook this point.


Application tips/expectations

・Shows succinct and “empathetic” problem setting and solutions ・Communicates using words used in the industry instead of those directed to customers ・Attach floor plans as “Supplementary Material” in the screening image section of the entry site.

As subject entries in the Construction/Housing category are to be used for a long period of time and would not show significant changes year to year, participants asked “What sort of information should we provide in the application form?”

First of all, explain exactly what you see as the issue and what you have changed. In addition, the judges pointed out that even though many applicants attach advertisement materials, such presentations focusing on customers are difficult to evaluate. Judges are professionals who work in the same industry as you, both domestically and internationally. An application tip here is to write in the language commonly used in the industry, as words that appeal to customers and those to peers are different.



Application tips/expectations

・Expands business in accordance with profitability ・Shows actual influence and changes approved by users ・Has a refined “punchline”

Compared to other categories, the System/Service category has its own screening points such as business models. As discussed in the seminar, in order to evaluate whether the new business is expanding, applicants should describe the “current profitability/strategy for gaining future profitability” and the “number of users/responses from users” as well as the ideas in the application form.

In response to a participant who asked whether it was acceptable to give a lengthy explanation about matters such as business background, the judges advised that refining a plausible “punchline” is important in addition to including necessary information.

2024 message: “Brave Attitude, Organic Design”


The message of the GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2024 is “Brave Attitude, Organic Design.” Tell your full story in the application form, including what brave steps you have taken, and what organic ideas/connections went into creating your product.

Entries will close May 23 at 13:00(JST)! Apply now.

Maki Ohashi

Editing & writing

A member of the editorial team for web media “.g Good Design journal.” She plans, edits, and writes content as a freelancer.