
Delivering the "Now" of the GOOD DESIGN AWARD

The thoughts that go into the application for the GOOD DESIGN AWARD, The thoughts that go into the judging of the GOOD DESIGN AWARD, Various thoughts intersect and connect The process of exploring "GOOD DESIGN" will be delivered to you.


Applications for GOOD DESIGN NEW HOPE AWARD The deadline is August 15 at 1 p.m. (JST).


The GOOD DESIGN NEW HOPE AWARD is open to current students as well as new employees who have just graduated or completed their studies. Aiming to support the new generation to play a role in the field of design, this award has no designated theme, and allows applicants to challenge themselves with their assignments at school or their independent designs. Here we let you know about GOOD DESIGN NEW HOPE AWARD, which enables you to improve skills and connect with people.



The NEW HOPE AWARD was first presented in 2022, and is marking its third year. This is a design award for young talents. They can not only apply for graphics, fashion, and product design, but also submit their works and studies in a wide range of genres beyond the field.


・Applicants must be current students or new employees who have just graduated or completed their studies. ・Applicants can submit their assignment/graduation work for university or technical school, or self-created designs. ・Applicants can submit their own original designs produced as a proposal or initiative. ・No entry fee.

Check here for the outline of the event and the application guidelines.

The New Hope Award has no designated theme. You can select a category from the following: Design of Things, Design of Places, Design of Information, and Design of Systems.

Judges are selected for each category.


In the first screening, Honorable Mention and Excellent Award winners are decided. Excellent Awards are selected from the top one or two honorable mention winner(s) in each category. At the final screening, the Grand Award winner is selected after the presentations by the Excellent Award winners.

Left: Presentation by an Excellent Award winner / Right: Judges and audience listening to the presentation.

Last year, 70 of the 415 applicants from all over Japan received an honorable mention. Seven entries won Excellent Awards, and one entry won the Grand Award.

Winner’s Voice: “A place to talk about the future of works”

Loglee, which won the Excellent Award last year, is an application recording device designed for parents and children with skin disorders. The device senses and records on the website, the type of drug, and the time and amount applied.

Users can freely attach a handmade flower decoration to the device. When a drug is recorded, the flower decoration sways.

Loglee is created from a user’s perspective. It reduces the user’s distress and burden, encourages communication, and turns daily care into fun time.

According to the judges, it’s an excellent effort that identified real challenges through observation and interaction with users, with repeated prototyping and and verification.They commented, “It should be implemented soon in society. We would like them to think about how users can continue to use it and systems to make it economically viable.”

Last year's presentation material. A user actually using Loglee.

Ms. Yuri Nakahashi, the representative of the applicant group, said about why they applied, “We thought that the NEW HOPE AWARD experience would help us bring it to users.” She saw the application as an opportunity to put their work out into the world.

In fact, after receiving the award, they have had more opportunities to engage users, understand users’ needs, and receive sympathy and support from users. One of the award winners said, “The award motivated me to continue. I’m prepared for the next phase.”

Ms. Yuri Nakahashi. Her presentation at the final screening.

Applying for and receiving the award, Ms. Nakahashi said the “NEW HOPE AWARD gives us a chance to talk about the future of the project.” “Like me, many applicants want to continue their activities after graduation. We can not only get advice from the judges but also discuss our projects with other winners.”

“If you want to continue working on a project but don't know what to do, please apply. I would like to discuss and create things with other award winners from different years, and create things and solve problems.” She sent this message to this year’s applicants.

Fulfilling Award Promotion Program

In addition to commendation certificates, memorabilia, and cash prizes, New Hope Award winners also have opportunities for skill improvement and networking through the promotion of award-winning works and programs for winners.

・All award-winning works will be displayed with comments from judges on Award-Winning Works on this website. A portfolio of award-winning works will be published.


・Some articles are posted on design media.

Media Partners: AXIS, JDN


・Programs for award winners

Last year, the award-winning works were exhibited at GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION 2023, and follow-up seminars were held. *This year’s content will be announced as soon as it is decided.

Tours to design sites such as FUJIFILM Creative Village CLAY Studio, and design workshops with leading art directors will be held.

Applications will be accepted until 1 p.m. on August 15! We look forward to receiving your application for the award. The award will help you develop your creative activities.

Maki Ohashi

Editing & writing

A member of the editorial team for web media “.g Good Design journal.” She plans, edits, and writes content as a freelancer.