
What is design? Let’s take a peek at the world spreading through a small Hatena, or question.

Let’s take a pause and look at all the things, people, and events in our daily lives and society...

It is a laboratory to know, feel, and approach design through a simple question.


This time’s theme

IDEA NO HATENA (How and why of ideas)

How does QuickSnap take pictures?


Here is your solution to a mystery behind the design familiar to us. The topic this time is FUJIFILM Corporation’s QuickSnap. The epoch-making product defied the common idea of photography. We learned about how it was born.

* This is an image from when the product won the GOOD DESIGN LONG LIFE DESIGN AWARD 2017.

The QuickSnap was born from the unconventional idea of attaching a lens to film. It was created in 1986, when cameras and photographs were still something special. Its innovative design and convenience transformed photographs into something anyone could take anytime and anywhere, which led to a revolution in photographic culture.

FUJIFILM was established in 1934 as a manufacturer of photosensitive materials. It laid the foundation of color photographs and led the photography/camera industry by developing film, videotapes, and the world’s first full digital cameras. Moreover, it has led to the creation of a wide variety of products, from plain paper copiers and electronic computers to healthcare products.

The QuickSnap emerged out of such a history of innovation. How did the bold idea of attaching a lens to film originate, and how did it transform photography into a reflection of everyday life? We asked about the background behind the birth of the QuickSnap to FUJIFILM Design.

How does QuickSnap take pictures?

Although film cameras were becoming popular in the 1980s, they were still expensive. In addition, it was difficult for amateurs to handle films. Amid such a backdrop, FUJIFILM had long wished to manufacture cameras with which anyone could easily take pictures.

Around this time, the company conducted research and development on films with improved sensitivity and image quality, and it succeeded in the commercialization of films that were unaffected by weather and other conditions. This led to its original idea that “a dream product might be realized by attaching a lens to high-quality film” instead of making a camera cheaper.

When asked during a company meeting, “Does it really take pictures?,” an employee answered, “Utsurundesu (It takes pictures)!” This enthusiastic response became the product name in Japanese.

What is the secret to design longevity?

Based on the unconventional idea of attaching a lens to a film, the first model was born with a minimalistic and break-proof design to ensure that customers do not miss important moments, while achieving low cost.

Furthermore, a customer takes it to a photo shop to develop the film, a shop clerk quickly pulls out the film, and then the product body is recycled. This entire life cycle of the QuickSnap was planned from an early stage, likely to have led to a design that has long remained unchanged.

Learning about the background of the design will help you realize why the product has always been loved freshly in a timeless way. IDEA NO HATENA will continue to explore ideas and ingenuity hidden in design.

Courtesy / Source: FUJIFILM Corporation QuickSnap Simple Ace 90th anniversary special site (History)

journal editorial department

Editing & writing

Editorial team of the web media “.g Good Design journal.” It is planned and managed jointly by the secretariat office of the GOOD DESIGN AWARD and external members in order to explore new possibilities in design.